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Used & Junk Smartphone/Tablet/PC Specialty Store

Information on physical stores

At the safe and secure reuse store "CC Connect", We are buying and selling.

Disused smartphones, tablets,

Please feel free to sale them to us!

We purchase various items, including iPhones, iPads, Android devices,
Garaho devices, PCs, and more, regardless of their condition.
Even if the screen is cracked, the device is submerged,
or won't turn on,we will still buy it. We buy both old and new items,
and same-day cash is available. So, if you want to sell your device,
please do not hesitate to contact us.

*For a quote, please contact us in store or by phone (03-6811-6730).

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CC Connect Akihabara Main Store

Akihabara Main Store, the origin of CC Connect. We have more than 10,000 new, used, and junk items in stock. In addition to individual customers, we also accept purchase services and wholesale sales for companies. In addition, events such as junk lucky bags and large junk sale will be held irregularly. We are preparing a "Weekend Sale" every Saturday and Sunday, so please follow us on Twitter and check it out!

CC Connect Akihabara Main Store
Tokyo Radio Department Store B1F, 1-10-11 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021
Hours: Weekdays 13:00~19:00 Weekends 11:00~19:00 (Closed on Mondays)
​Phone number: 03-6811-6730

CC Connect Akihabara 2nd store

We have more than 100 second-hand and junk items such as Macbooks, notebook computers, and desktop computers in stock. Like the Akihabara main store, events such as lucky bags and large junk sales will be held. We are preparing a "Weekend Sale" every Saturday and Sunday, so please follow us on Twitter and check it out!

​CC Connect Akihabara 2nd store

Tokyo Radio Department Store B1F 

Hours: Weekdays 13:00~19:00 Weekends 11:00~19:00 (Closed on Mondays)



〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田1丁目10−11 東京ラジオデパート1F

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